Contact Us

Business Hours:  08 8983 1458

After Hours : 0428 810 596

Mail: PO Box 1020, Howard Springs, NT 0835

Address: 43 Smyth Road Howard Springs , NT 0835

Email: [email protected]

Opening Hours:

Monday – Friday 8:00am to 6:00pm

Saturday –  8:00am to 4:00pm

Sunday and Public Holidays – Emergency Only

Our clinic provides a full after-hours emergency service. You will always be seen at the Howard Springs clinic that you are accustomed to visiting and your animals will be treated by the same team.

Howard Springs Vet Clinic

Useful Contacts:

Local pet by-laws and Registrations:

Palmerston City Council

(08) 8935 9922

City of Darwin

(08) 8930 0300


Wildcare NT

(08) 89 886 121 or 0408 885 341


Melbourne Eye Care

1800 EYE VET or
(03) 9545 0103

Dermatology for Animals


Wheely Clean Pets (Grooming) 

 0438 075 652

Pets Eternal Tranquillity (Pet Cremation)

(08) 8984 4551  

Pet Rescue Groups:


(08) 8984 3795

Greyhound rehoming (GRANT)

A Safe Place for Meow