Surgical Procedures
We perform a full range of routine and emergency surgical procedures using state of the art equipment and facilities. Our vets regularly attend courses and educational conferences to ensure they are well versed in the latest techniques.

Soft tissue Surgery:
A wide range of soft tissue surgery is available. Mass removals, wound repair, tumour removal, aural haematomas, caesarians and gastrointestinal surgeries are regular procedures in the clinic.
Dental Procedures:
Dental disease is a very common problem in pets. Bad breath (halitosis) reluctance to eat, drooling or red and bleeding gums are some signs of possible dental disease. We recommend a suitable diet combined with regular, prophylactic polishing and cleaning of their teeth to maintain optimal oral health.
In the event that bad dental health has developed, we can assist with scaling, polishing and extractions of teeth as required.
Abdominal Surgery
We are pleased to offer Key-hole Laparoscopic procedures such as gastropexy, organ biopsy, foreign body removal and abdominal mass removals etc.
Desexings (Both routine and non- routine):
Desexing of both male and female dogs and cats has multiple heath and behavioural benefits for your pet. Speying involves the removal of the ovaries and uterus in female animals and castration is the removal of the testes in the male. These procedures are performed under general anaesthetic and require a day stay in the clinic. To discuss desexing further, or to book an appointment, please give our team a call.
Non-Routine desexing. If a dog’s testes have not descended properly (Cryptorchid) a slightly more complex procedure may be required. Laparoscopic cryptorchid surgery is available if preferred and laparoscopic speys will be available soon.
Orthopaedic Surgery:
A wide range of routine and advanced orthopaedic surgeries are available at the Howard Springs Veterinary Clinic. These include Arthroscopy (Joint examinations), fracture repair, Triple Tibial Osteotomy (TTO) and luxating patella surgery. A dedicated orthopaedic surgery and range of state-of-the-art equipment is utilised for these procedures.
Endoscopic examinations:
The clinic owns a variety of endoscopes and this allows us to perform a range of procedures on both small and large animals. These include examinations of the nose, ears as well as full gastroscopy. (stomach and intestines)

Howard Springs Vet clinic is able to perform a wide range of in-house tests and examinations to assist with rapid diagnosis and correct treatment of your pet. This includes:
Imaging: Digital radiography and Ultrasound (Portable and In-clinic)
Tonometry: Eye pressure tests.
Laboratory: Extensive in-house lab for pre anaesthetic testing, full blood work, pregnancy testing (progesterone), coagulation geriatric profiles, urine evaluation and specialist laboratory referral when required.
Urine and faecal testing.
ECG and blood pressure testing.
Endoscopy: Both Video and fibre optic.